Part 2 (Pages 11-22)
Literacy of the slaves was forbidden. The slaveholders used this tatic to make the enslaved
"useless" and only be able to work. The power of knowledge is so powerful and the slaveholders knew that if the enslaved people figured out how to be literate they could possibly over power them and possibly take over and turn around the whole slavery epidemic. In the passage becoming literate, it explains how once slaves were aware of their situation it fueled them to go against the White man’s authority. Slaveholders made sure that the enslaved wouldn't be able to succeed in the literacy aspect, they passed laws prohibiting slaves from becoming literate.
I think it was really unfair and mind boggling that people would actually prohibit another person from getting a simple ability like reading and writing skills. The history of our ancestors that had to endure these horrible acts just anger and compel me to strive for excellence at all costs. In todays society it seems as though African Americans as a whole have all the odds against them, negativity in the media, the most amount of people incarcerated and killed, along with the most prone and affected by most diseases. WE are still here!

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